

BlephEx®...The first and Only Doctor Eyelid Cleaning Procedure to Help Maintain Clean and Healthy Lids

  • Over 50% of all patients suffer from some type of eyelid symptoms associated with insufficient eyelid hygiene.
  • BlephEx® is a new, in-office procedure that allows your doctor to take an active role in cleaning your eyelid margins.
  • BlephEx® removes excess bacteria, biofilm and bacterial toxins, the main causes of eyelid symptoms.
  • BlephEx® cleans eyelids to maintain eyelid hygiene.
  • With regular treatments, the eyelids stay clean and symptom-free.
  • The BlephEx® treatment only takes a few minutes to perform.

BlephEx® is a painless in-office procedure performed by your eyecare professional or trained technician. A revolutionary new patented BlephEx® handpiece is used to very precisely spin a soft medical grade micro-sponge along the edge of your eyelids and lashes. This procedure effectively removes years of accumulated bacterial biofilm, much like a dental cleaning removes accumulated plaque, also a biofilm. Once the biofilm is removed, your eyelids are cleaner and healthier. A healthy eyelid is critical for normal tear production.

The patented micro-sponge is disposable and for optimal cleaning and exfoliating, a fresh clean one is used for each eye. The eyes are rinsed well afterwards.

The procedure lasts about 6 – 8 minutes. Most patients simply report a tickling sensation. A numbing drop is usually placed in each eye prior to treatment for increased comfort.

After the procedure, you may resume normal activities. Home cleaning regimes can continue but are are only semi-effective. BlephEx® should be repeated every 4-6 months as determined by your eye doctor.

The sooner in life that BlephEx® is begun as a routine element of eye care, the better the long-term results. If you wait until you have symptoms before seeking treatment, much damage may already be done to your tear glands.

Treat your eyelids early, and treat often.

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Feel free to request for a call back if you are interested in any of our listed products. Our friendly advisers are more than happy to answer any queries that you may have!